Quando: sabato 01 Luglio 2023
Ora inizio: Apertura porte ore 19.00 – Inizio Concerto h 21:00
Platea A: 51,75 €
Platea B: 44,85 €
Settore Laterale: 37,95 €
Luogo: Piazza Matteotti, Sogliano al Rubicone – ore 21,00
Organizzatore: Ass. Culturale RetroPop Live
Info: +39 339 214 0806 – retropoplive@gmail.com
Prevendite online: https://www.ticketone.it/event/daniele-silvestri-estate-x-piazza-matteotti-16834271/
Punti vendita autorizzati: https://www.ticketone.it/help/outlets/https://www.ticketone.it/help/outlets/Â
No stranger to witty puns, Daniele Silvestri after “Teatri X” (four last dates scheduled in May to close the circle opened with “Teatri/22”), is now ready for “Estate X,” a new summer tour in the most important festivals of the peninsula. It will be there that Daniele, aided by his amazing and eclectic band, will once again change atmosphere and storytelling, rediscovering both the beloved electric guitars and the more engaging songs and tight rhythms from large venues