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It was built in 1789 by Don G. Ricci with an adjoining parish house. In 1905 Don G. Ceroni extended the Church by adorning it with a worthy facade, which is the one still visible today, with the solemn entrance steps and a mullioned window above the main door. In 1939 the parishioners and parish priest Don Guido Nucci completely fixed up the Church, providing it with new altars and a sacristy. Inside you can admire a splendid, recently restored eighteenth-century organ of typical rural style and a room used as a museum in which documents, letters and photos of Don Onofri, born in S. Maria Riopetra, secretary to the well-known composer of sacred music Monsignor Lorenzo Perosi (1872-1956), are preserved

Via Santa Maria Riopetra Fanteria 1,
Sogliano Al Rubicone

always visible externally,
usable internally during religious services

Free access.
