Several centuries-old trees in the territory of Sogliano are subject to a special regime of protection (by Decrees of the President of the Regional Council Nos. 112/1992 and 1078/1996). These are mainly oaks (classification: Quercus Pubescens – Downy Oak; Quercus petraea – Oak) but not only; in fact there are several other plants worthy of attention in the territory, trees that are very important for the history of Soglianese, although perhaps not all of them meet the standards established by law to decree their protection. The Vernano oak (Quercus pubescens L.) is a centuries-old monumental work of nature (reported as a monumental tree: D.P.G.R. 1078/96) located in the locality of Vernano (Pietra dell’Uso), 17 m. high and with a maximum circumference of m. 3.9. The positioning next to the Church of St. Benedict, in this as in other places, is not accidental, in fact according to religious tradition trees represent the means of communication between the three worlds: the deep abysses penetrated by the roots, the earthly surface and the infinite sky to which the branches tend.
The Oak of the Farneto (Quercus pubescens L.), reported as a monumental tree (Presidential Decree 112/92) has a presumed age of 200 years, height of 22 m. and circumference of 3.00 m. “One red, one white, one bluish, three paranze are cradled in the sea: on the bare skull of the Farneto, alone, umbrella-tipped in the sky, the oak appears.” (“La quercia del Farneto” by Giulio Gozi). It must be said, however, that the oak tree referred to in the poem, is a different one, and today it no longer exists. The large tree that currently exists is embedded in a fine group of other oaks, representing what remains of a denser forest that once surrounded the church of Madonna del Farneto. The name of the area, “Farneto,” is indicative of the type of trees (“farnia” is a type of oak) that can be found there, although it does not exhaust the list of species found there and, if anything, enlightens us about a past custom of classifying different types of trees under one, main tree species. We also recall the centuries-old Vignola oak (reported as a monumental tree: Presidential Decree 1078/96), with a height of 17.00 m, circumference of 3.35 m. and diameter of 107 cm. Again, the large tree is placed next to a church, that of S. Maria, which testifies not only to the desire to place a large tree next to a building of worship, but also to the large number of sacred buildings, and therefore also of inhabitants of the hinterland of Romagna, before the massive depopulation that began in the 1950s. To get to see this mighty oak tree, it is necessary to travel a couple of kilometers on the road from Sogliano to Ponte Uso; the tree is clearly visible on the left near an escarpment. The tallest tree (30 m) is the oak (Quercus petraea) of CÃ dell’Erre in Montegelli (by 110 cm in diameter), while the oak of Montecchio S. Paolo is 20 m tall, diameter at base 1.12 m, diameter at crown 18 m. Also reported as monumental trees are the centuries-old oak in Via San Paolo all’Uso, locality San Paolo all’Uso, oak (Quercus pubescens L.) with a height of 18 m and diameter of 90 cm; the oak in Ponte Uso, oak (Quercus pubescens L.) with a height of 18 m, trunk diameter 1.06 m, crown diameter 18 m; Strigara oak, downy oak (Quercus pubescens L.) of height 15 m, diameter at trunk one meter and diameter at crown 14 m. Savignano di Rigo ha zel (Corylus colurna L.), via savignano di rigo, aia bella near Casa Raggi, is 25 m. high and 3.53 m. in circumference. It is an interesting case of an atypical hazel tree, which does not have the characteristics of the species, i.e. the typical shrubby forms, with many stems and suckers at the base. Also under protection (Decree of the President of the Regional Council No. 1194/1994) is the southern ash tree found at Bivio Montegelli.
Also of note are the Colombaia (Vignola) cypress (Cupressus Sempervirens, 16 m. high, with trunk diameter 0.62 m. and crown diameter 6 m.), the Pine (Pinus Pinea) of Ca’ Sambi in Ponte Uso (16 m. high, with trunk diameter 0.76 m. and crown diameter 14 m.), the centuries-old strawberry tree in S. Paolo all’Uso and the hawthorn tree in Via Pascoli, in Sogliano, the main town.