The Rubicon River, popularized by Julius Caesar’s passage in 49 B.C., marked for a long period the administrative boundary between Republican Roman Italy and Cisalpine Gaul inhabited by the Gaul tribe.
Currently the historical memory of what the ancient Rubicon was has been lost, and it is also possible that in some places its course has changed. There are two rivers that mainly contend for this honor and both originate in the territory of Sogliano al Rubicone: the Fiumicino/Rubicone, which originates from the eastern slopes of Mount Strigara, and the Urgon, which originates from the western slopes of Strigara (Loc. Bagnolo) and in the plains takes the name Pisciatello. The Meloni Pass connects the Rubicon Spring in Strigara Locality to the Urgon Spring in Bagnolo Locality. Both Urgon and Fiumicino/Rubicone springs are easily reached by a pleasant walk along Routes 4 and 5 of the Upper Rubicon Trails .