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Chiara Guidi // Nocturnes in the Woods

    Quando: Lunedì 4 luglio 2022
    Ora inizio:  Spettatori per la breve camminata ore 20.30 – Partenza camminata ore 21:00 – Inizio spettacolo ore 21:30
    Dove: Aia Bella – Savignano di Rigo
    Biglietti: € 5,00 disponibili in prevendita su: www.liveticket.it
    Info: Sillaba/Prova d’attore – Cell.  370 3685093 (h. 16-19 lun-ven e giorno dello spettacolo)


    CHIARA GUIDI | Letters from the Night
    Freely adapted from the texts of Nelly Sachs
    with Chiara Guidi and a chorus of citizens music performed live by Natàn Santiago Lazala production Societas in collaboration with Liberty

    In Letters from the Night the poems of Nelly Sachs are interwoven with the correspondence the author had between 1954 and 1969 with the poet of Jewish origin Paul Celan, with whom she shared the wounds of the twentieth century and the condition of exile from History.
