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Of eighteenth-century construction and recently recovered, the icehouse was an underground building, inside which were stored foodstuffs and goods that needed the preservative action of ice, which was thrown inside through a small window located in the upper part of the closing vault.
The thermal inertia guaranteed by the strength of the walls and the very burial of the room contributed to the preservation of goods and the maintenance of the required temperature. The Sogliano al Rubicone icehouse is an ellipsoid geometric construction, having a maximum circular development (at the center of the height) of about m. 3.30 in radius and a total height of about m.7.56. up to the spherical top closing cap. Approximately in the center of the height development is the entrance door, which is m.0.80 wide and m.2.00 high, from which, by means of a cantilevered perimeter stone staircase, one could descend to the base of the container. It is a construction made entirely of brick of traditional format, laid in concentric circles, up to the key ashlars of the top of the canopy vault. A small window at the top of the construction constitutes, besides the entrance door, the only discontinuity in the construction texture of the icehouse.

via Antica Ghiacciaia,
Sogliano al Rubicone (FC)

Always visitable externally

Info: 0541 8173440
