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Church of San Lorenzo Martire - Sogliano

The present church (on Via Cavour) was rebuilt in the years 1789 to 1819, largely on the remains of an older church, of which there are records dating back to 1144. The parish was chosen by some Malatesta as their burial place. In the first chapel on the right are the epigraphs of two illustrious Soglianesi: one of the poet Lorenzo Frizzolio (1532-1597) and the other in memory of Bishop Michele Rubertini (1885-1978). In 1937, new restoration works began that gave the temple its present appearance; in 1938 the church was frescoed by the Cesena painter Fortunato Teodorani; in October 1944, the parish church was hit by grenades in the eastern part, but recovery works in a short time made the building accessible again. The latest restorations date back to the 2000s. On the page https://sanlorenzosogliano.it/index.php/visite-guidate/ you can learn more about the history and works in the church.
Inside the rectory is the ” Parish Archive ” which holds documents and books containing information about the past of the area, accessible to researchers and scholars upon request.

Via Cavour 28,
Sogliano Al Rubicone

Contact: 0541-948688

Usable internally during normal opening hours and during celebrations.
Always visitable externally

Free access.
