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Corrado Formiglie Stefano Massini | Titanic // Nocturnes In The Woods


    When: Friday, July 24, 2024
    Opening Ticket Office and spectator gathering: 8:00 p.m.
    Show starts: 9:30 pm
    Where: Aia Bella- Loc. Savignano di Rigo (Sogliano al Rubicone)
    Tickets: € 22.00
    Presale: https://www.liveticket.it/evento.aspx?Id=508773
    Info: Sillaba Ticket Office 370 3685093

    Unprecedented climate events are bearing down on planet earth, screaming an emergency that can no longer be denied. Destructive typhoons, untamed wildfires, and the mercury column now defying records year by year, in a veritable escalation. Yet the masses seem unaffected, and the narcosis continues in general silence, as if the environment must pay the inevitable price for our well-being and human progress. However, are there rules, minimal, concrete, very simple ones, to prevent Titanic from hitting the iceberg? After crossing the finish line of more than 200 episodes together with Piazzapulita, the pair formed by Corrado Formigli and Stefano Massini now lands on the theatrical stages, with a live show in which the ten rules to save us from shipwreck create the occasion for a meeting between three languages: journalism, story telling and music. An experiment in civil theater that finally attempts to shine a light on the climate crisis that has been ignored for too long.

    Music performed live by:
    Tazio Aprile – keyboards
    Luca “Roccia” Baldini – bass
    Massimo Ferri – guitars
    Mariel Tahiraj – violin

