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Mario Perrotta // Nocturnes in the Woods

    Quando: Lunedì 25 luglio 2022
    Ora inizio:  Spettatori per la breve camminata ore 20.30 – Partenza camminata ore 21:00 – Inizio spettacolo ore 21:30
    Dove: Sorgente del Rubicone  – Strigara
    Biglietti: € 5,00 disponibili in prevendita su: www.liveticket.it
    Info: Sillaba/Prova d’attore – Cell.  370 3685093 (h. 16-19 lun-ven e giorno dello spettacolo)

    MARIO PERROTTA | Survival Handbook
    in collaboration with RAI Radio 3, Einaudi, Diari da Terra matta archive of Vincenzo Rabito

    Mario Perrotta gives voice and body to Vincenzo Rabito’s Terra matta, the memoirs of a man going through all the epochal events of the last century. A tragicomic and at times hilarious epic, carved with an Olivetti Lettera 22 by a semi-illiterate man now in his seventies as his last personal battle because, “if man in this life does not meet us aventures, he has nothing to tell.”
