Quando: mercoledì 31 luglio 2024
Ora inizio: Apertura porte ore 19.00 – Inizio h 21:00
Platea A: € 44,85
Platea B: € 36,80
Laterali: € 32,20
Luogo: Piazza Matteotti, Sogliano al Rubicone – ore 21,00
Organizzatore: Ass. Culturale RetroPop Live
Info: +39 339 214 0806 – retropoplive@gmail.com
Prevendite online: https://www.ticketone.it/event/max-angioni-anche-meno-piazza-matteotti-18536544/
Punti vendita autorizzati: https://www.ticketone.it/help/outlets/https://www.ticketone.it/help/outlets/Â
Max Angioni returns to Romagna after the astonishing success of his last tour; this time he is not just bringing a simple show to the stage, but a true work of art, destined to become the new manifesto of Western culture, and definitively establishing him as a contemporary icon. Too much? You are right, one would be inclined to say, “EVEN LESS.”