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Nada Duo // Nocturnes In The Woods

    Quando: venerdì 28 giugno 2024
    Apertura Biglietteria e ritrovo spettatori: ore 20:00
    Inizio spettacolo: ore 21:00
    Dove: Sorgente Urgon – Loc. Bagnolo  (Sogliano al Rubicone)
    Biglietti: € 22,00
    Prevendita: https://www.liveticket.it/evento.aspx?Id=508765
    Info: Biglietteria Sillaba 370 3685093


    Opens the Notturni nel Bosco Review with Andrea Mucciarelli on guitar, at the – , . Nada, accompanied by Andrea Mucciarelli on guitar, reprises what was the concert of the “Nada Trio,” a project born in 1994 with the collaboration of Fausto Mesolella and Ferruccio Spinetti, guitar and double bass of Avion Travel. Their union resulted in a record that won countless praise followed by many concerts in Italy and Europe. The project was documented by a CD titled “Nada Trio” which won among others the Tenco Prize and the Musicultura di Recanati Prize and was then distributed in newsstands by Olis and later in traditional distribution by “Storie di Note” After years of concerts Nada, Fausto Mesolella and Ferruccio Spinetti in the winter of 2017 returned to the studio and recorded together a new album ” Nada Trio: La Posa” distributed by Warner with the production of Fausto Mesolella and Nada. It is at the very end of the recordings that the great Fausto Mesolella passes away on March 30, 2017. In this particular concert, Nada replays much of these two musical works in which she is accompanied by Andrea Mucciarelli, a talented guitarist from the Sienese jazz/blues school. The show includes songs such as “Il porto di Livorno” (by Piero Ciampi), the popular “Ma che freddo fa” big hits such as “Amore disperato,” “Ti stringerò” and traditional folk classics such as “Maremma,” up to today’s songs (Luna in Piena and Senza un perché). are a series of summer events that combine theater, music, art and the natural landscape. The performances take place outdoors, surrounded by nature, along wooded paths at nightfall. Performers and spectators gather in picturesque locations for unique cultural experiences.
    Secure your seat for this night of music and magic. Tickets are available now!

    https://bit.ly/BigliettiNadaDuoInConcerto Sillaba Ticket Office 370 368509
