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FuoriLuogo - 8° edizione

    In the playbill “Prova d’Attore” returns“FuoriLuogo” review dedicated to theatrical storytelling in unconventional spaces for staging. A practice in the sign of widespread theater, to give place to theater even outside the theater, nurturing and consolidating an effective (and affective) dimension of theatrical community. These appointments:


    IURI MONTI in “Sa sit mat?”
    Lyrics by Maurizio Balestra and Iuri Monti A journey through the eyes of extravagance. The voice of the unheard in a world that does not listen takes shape in an ironic and dramatic way. When: Thursday, April 14
    Start time:
    Rontagnano – Ex Casa del Fascio Entrance: free Info reservations: 370/3685093 – spettatore@sillaba.org —–

    FRANCESCO GABELLINI in “The Pacifist.”

    The Pacifist is the ironic soliloquy of a character who alternates the use of his Romagnolo dialect with the Italian language and reflects on his relationship with others, with those closest to him and with the rest of humankind. An investigation around what each of us believes we are and our identity that is constructed as a garment made only of words. When: Thursday, April 22
    Time Start:
    Montepetra – Civic Hall Admission: free Info reservations: 370/3685093 – spettatore@sillaba.org —–

    ROBERTO MERCADINI in “The Art of Being New. Conference performance on Renaissance painting.”

    Here is the paradox of art: to sit among those who dictate the rules, first one must have broken them. To become a landmark, first one must have bewildered one’s contemporaries. To become a landmark, first one must have changed the landscape. When: Thursday, April 29
    Time Start:
    Montetiffi – Abbey San Leonardo Admission: free Info reservations: 370/3685093 – spettatore@sillaba.org
