When: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Opening Ticket Office and spectator gathering: 8:00 p.m.
Show starts: 9:30 pm
Where: San Donato Park – Loc. Vignola (Sogliano al Rubicone)
Tickets: € 22.00
Presale: https://www.liveticket.it/evento.aspx?Id=508767
Info: Sillaba Ticket Office 370 3685093
For a couple of years now, Guzzanti, daughter, sister and above all mother of so many orphans of the good old days, has dedicated herself to dialogue with both Meloni and Schlein, with the sole aim of mitigating the damage. A demanding, often exhausting job, carried out with self-sacrifice and sacrifice and with nothing coming out of her pocket. Hence the idea of beginning to monetize this activity with a series of lecture shows, which the youth of today call stand up comedy, on our troubled present. Of course, they will not only talk about politics but also about really important topics such as technological development in the hands of 4 and more generally about how to retain some form of dignity in the 21st century.