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    Triumph at the Luigi Zanuccoli International Competition for soloists , chamber music and opera singing . On June 2 at the Elisabetta Turroni Theater in Sogliano al Rubicone , the 19th edition of the “Luigi Zanuccoli” International Competition for Young Musicians , promoted and organized by the ClassicAllMusic association of Rimini in collaboration with the Sogliano al Rubicone Municipality Culture Department , ended with the awarding of the winners and the traditional concert of the finalists . Awards to the winners in diplomas , scholarships and concerts , in the various competition sections the following musicians distinguished themselves:
    For the soloist section Junior Category the first prize to Alberto Cartuccia Cingolani piano , the second prize to Matteo Manganelli cello . For Category A the first prize ex aequo went to Elettra D’Azzena harp and Leo Cosimo Von Stietencron Ventura violin , the second prize ex aequo to Ulisse Rinaldi flute and Chiara Pucciarelli violin , the third prize ex aequo to Camilla Parini flute and , Sara Babbini violin and Alessandro Reni guitar . For Category B the first prize ex aequo toFrancesca Dapra violin and Leonardo d’Azzena trumpet , the second prize to Maria Lea Sorbetti flute , the third prize to Maini Nora flute . For Category C the first prize to Giada Moretti cello , the second prize ex aequo to Giorgia Cardarelli Miral Stagliano violin and Matteo Macri flute , the third prize ex aequo to Tommaso Franchini piano and Gabriele Palantrani guitar ;
    for Category D the first prize ex aequo to Lucia Boiardi double bass and Daniele Bolletta saxophone , the second prize ex aequo to Su Yuqing violin and Matteo Ammazzalamorte guitar , the third prize ex aequo to Giuseppe Ottaviani piano and Margherita Russo flute . For Category E the first prize to Irena Parente flute , the second prize to Giordano Sforzini guitar , the third prize Barbara Leandro piano. For the Chamber Music section the first prize to Duo Guitar Putzolu – Valisena
    For the music section opera singing the first prize not awarded , the second prize ex aequo to Alexandra Maria Paola Di Carlo soprano and Wang Zheng bass ; the third prize ex aequo to Jiashuai He tenor and Mazuko Sagara soprano .
