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Aspettando il Tour de France - eventi

    MAY 29, 2024 WAITING FOR THE TOUR DE FRANCE!free events in Sogliano al Rubicone ————- 6:30 p.m. Barbotto, Rontagnano INAUGURATION SCULPTURE dedicated to cycling and follow aperitif for all participants ————– 9:00 p.m. Museo del Disco, Sogliano al Rubicone CANEVECCHIO SAUND SHOW: music, words and sports anecdotes with Luca Gregorio and Riccardo Magrini ofEUROSPORTlimited seats! to reserve your place connect to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/canevecchio-saund-show-tickets-899005047297 or scan the qrcode in the poster
