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Teatro delle Albe - Roberto Magnani // Nocturnes In The Woods

    Musical accompaniment by Giacomo Piermatti on double bass ODISÈA the all splendid of Tonino Guerra

    Quando: Martedì 18 luglio 2023
    Apertura Biglietteria e ritrovo spettatori: ore 20:30
    Inizio spettacolo: ore 21:30
    Dove: Parco serico dei Gelsi – Loc. Pietra dell’Uso (Sogliano al Rubicone)
    Biglietti: € 5,00
    Prevendita: https://www.liveticket.it/ricerca_eventi.aspx?Id=8444&Testo=notturni%20nel%20bosco

    Info: Sillaba/Prova d’attore – Cell. 370 3685093 (h. 2-6 p.m. Mon-Fri and day of performance)

    Our focus was on a magnificent text, Tonino Guerra’s rewriting of the Odyssey, a founding myth of Western culture. We have kept the characteristics of a reading, the convention that is stipulated with the spectator is clear: there is a lectern, and the actor reads by making himself the narrator’s voice, impersonating from time to time the voice of the narrator, the protagonist and all the characters Odysseus meets along the journey. A single light from the lectern, the only scenic element, and some musical interventions from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Goldberg Variations, played on double bass. Armenians call their language, “the all splendid”: and this applies to all storytellers of the world. Roberto Magnani approaches Teatro delle Albe at a very young age by participating in the non-school, the workshops the company has been conducting since 1991 in all high schools in Ravenna. In 1998 he was chosen to play one of the twelve palotines in the show I Polacchi, text and direction by Marco Martinelli, inspired by Alfred Jarry’s Ubu re. The show garners international acclaim from Stockholm to Caen, from Tehran to Belgrade. The twelve palotines receive nominations as “best actors under 30” for the 1999 Ubu Prize. After I Polacchi he joined Teatro delle Albe permanently and worked in all the company’s subsequent shows.

    With Notturni nel Bosco (Nocturnes in the Woods ), Sogliano’s theatrical activity moves to wooded places, along nature trails, on the evening’s doings. An activity that intends to combine theater and natural landscape in extemporaneous places of great charm, where the performance is immersed in nature, creating a strong suggestion: artists and spectators immersed in nature and in the silence of the woods. Performances of theatrical storytelling or in music, for a heterogeneous audience with a ritual prelude: in fact, spectators are invited to give themselves a rendezvous at an established meeting place, from which then at dusk they leave for a short walk through the natural paths of the Sogliano landscape to reach the performance venue. Over the years we have learned to “carefully digress” around the theme of theatrical storytelling: for us theater is what happens in the place where artists and spectators gather together. We have built and consolidated theatrical activity in its traditional place: the E. Turroni. But over the years we have also promoted and brought theater to more informal places: Sogliano and its natural landscape as a diffuse theater. Our proposal tends to promote live performance in the places of the natural landscape of the Sogliano area. In each case, the overall context is rural and vegetal in nature, both for the short walk (with the help of GAE guides when required) and for the performance venue.
